Morgan Burtwistle

Angry Ginge AKA Morgan Burtwistle

Angry Ginge AKA Morgan Burtwistle

Morgan Burtwistle, known online as Angry Ginge was born on 13th November 2001. He is currently 22 years old and good friends with Miniminter from the Sidemen. Morgan is currently dating but the girl is unknown at this stage.

Angry Ginge is primarily a streamer on the Twitch platform but has expanded to YouTube and TikTok to amass a following of over 1 million subscribers.

Frequently asked questions

How old is Angry Ginge?
Angry Ginge is 22 years old
What is Angry Ginge's real name?
Angry Ginge's real name is Morgan Burtwistle
Is Angry Ginge's in a relationship?
Angry Ginge's is currently dating but the girlfriend is unknown

Sidemen and friends

Learn more about the other Sidemen.

Sidemen ladies

Girlfriends and wives of the Sidemen.