Callum McGinley

Callux AKA Callum McGinley

Callux AKA Callum McGinley

Callum McGinley, known online as Callux was born on 11th March 1993. He is currently 32 years old. Callum is from East London, England and had Leukaemia at 5. Callum left university before finishing and went straight into a job working for a YouTube network company called Base79 (now Brave Bison) because of his success with his channel based around playing Call of Duty.

Callux worked for over 3 years on the BlackOps channel before quitting and deciding to forge his own brand, Callux. Callum is managed by Rich Mansell and together they have co-founded After Party Studios and made a number of videos for other YouTubers, singers and big brands.

Frequently asked questions

How old is Callux?
Callux is 32 years old
What is Callux's real name?
Callux's real name is Callum McGinley
Does Callux have a girlfriend?
Callux is currently single

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