Miniminter AKA Simon Minter

Miniminter AKA Simon Minter

Miniminter AKA Simon Minter

Simon Minter, known online as Miniminter was born on 7th September 1992. He is currently 31 years old and is married to Talia Mar. Simon is from Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, England and has two brothers, Nick and Jonny. Simon met KSI at a private school `Berkhamsted School` at around 13 years old.

Simon quit studying Criminology at the University of Hull to help JJ with his clothing line and filming YouTube videos and pursue his own YouTube career. It was filming for JJ that Simon met TBJZL who was long-term friends with Zerkaa.

Simon has been in relationship with Talia since late 2017, they got engaged in June 2022 and then married in June 2023. They live together and have a dog called Mushu which is a Chow Chow breed.

Simon co-hosts a podcast with Randolph called `The What's Good Podcast with Miniminter and Randolph`.

Simon is a director of 9 companies currently.

Frequently asked questions

Who is Miniminter married to?
Miniminter AKA Simon Minter from the Sidemen is married to Talia Mar
Does Miniminter have a dog?
Miniminter does have a dog called Mushu with Talia Mar
How old is Miniminter?
Miniminter is 31 years old
Does Miniminter have any pets?
Miniminter has a Chow Chow dog called Mushu
What is Simon's podcast called?
Simon's podcast is called `The What's Good Podcast with Miniminter and Randolph` that he hosts with Randolph AKA Andrew Shane

Sidemen and friends

Learn more about the other Sidemen.

Sidemen ladies

Girlfriends and wives of the Sidemen.