Tobi AKA Tobit John Brown

Tobi AKA Tobit John

Tobi AKA Tobit Brown

Tobit Brown, known online as Tobi or TBJZL was born on 8th April 1993. He is currently 31 years old and is believed to be single at present. Tobi was born in Hackney, London and met Josh at Bexely Grammer school. Tobi went on to achieve a degree in Computing at Coventry University.

Tobi is a singer and also has a clothing brand called ILLVZN as well as being a streamer and YouTuber.

Tobi is a director of 10 companies currently.

Frequently asked questions

Who is Tobi's girlfriend?
Tobi AKA Tobit Brown from the Sidemen is believed to be single at present
How old is Tobi?
Tobi is 31 years old

Sidemen and friends

Learn more about the other Sidemen.

Sidemen ladies

Girlfriends and wives of the Sidemen.