Behzinga AKA Ethan Payne

Behzinga AKA Ethan Payne

Behzinga AKA Ethan Payne

Ethan Payne, known online as Behzinga was born on 20th June 1995. He is currently 28 years old and is in a relationship with Faith Louisa Kelly and they have Olive Ottilie together.

Ethan grew up in London and attended Marshalls Park School and went on to study video game development at South Essex College.

Frequently asked questions

Who is Behzinga's girlfriend?
Behzinga AKA Ethan Payne from the Sidemen is in a relationship with Faith Kelly
How old is Ethan from the Sidemen?
Ethan is 28 years old

Sidemen and friends

Learn more about the other Sidemen.

Sidemen ladies

Girlfriends and wives of the Sidemen.